As a Burden
Some problems are burdens. But burdens don't necessarily have to be heavy . . . as Jesus taught ("my burden is light"). And burdens come in all sizes and shapes, and some of them make us stronger people.
Those who would, for example, desire to improve their muscular or aerobic stamina or strength, must inevitably place strain upon the body. As the old saying goes, "No pain, no gain." A burden that produces wisdom, strength, resiliency, insight, perseverance, faith or hope can also been seen as a blessing . . . .
And, of course, burdens are meant to be laid down eventually. We can give our burdens to God, as the old hymn suggests, or lay them down at the riverside, and the lightness of being that accompanies this surrender is, indeed, sweet. Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stronger. But whatever we can't carry we give to God, Lord of the Big Shoulders.
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