As Time
Much has been written about time . . . like an ever-flowing stream. Indeed, there is only time, and time is what makes us truly human. In classical thought, the gods were timeless as were all things divine. But time is the playground of humanity.
What do we do with the sand in the hour glass?
That is, of course, the biggest question that defines our lives . . . our work, our passions, our goals, our outcome. Time sharpens the sword edge of human existence but also provides respite from all cares within time.
And so a year seems like such a small space from which to create and grow and laugh and play, but in essence it is all we have. What we each do with the time allotted to us in our hourglasses will, in many ways, reveal our own reflections in the glass.
Or, as the apostle said, "Now we see through a glass, dimly." But the brightness we reflect may not be our own, but the divine wonder and mystery all around. Only time will tell.
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