The Revolt at Korah (Numbers 16:1-35)
Nelson B. Demille would have loved the drama. James Cameron and George Lucas would appreciate the effects. Martin Scorcese would make millions from the mayhem.
After years of wandering in the wilderness of limbo, the people of Israel grow weary of Moses and his leadership. There are grumblings. There are gripes galore. Some desire to return to Egypt. At last, in a terrible fit of anger and frustration, the Lord God opens the earth and the majority of the people perish in a giant sink hole. A big one. Large enough, from the sound of it, to swallow the Empire State Building whole.
End of bitching.
Let this story be a lesson to all the boys and girls out there who complain about cabbage soup or spinach. Let the spouses who complain about needing a larger living room beware. Watch your backside, everyone who thinks the "good old days" were really all that "good" to begin with. Let us all take care in raising voice against leaders.
If you hear any rumblings or see any cracks in the earth . . . make a run for it!
You know I've been thinking alot about "the good old days" lately. Thinking about trying to get in touch with the "old crew". We've sort of lost touch over the years. We're all getting older, have children, one thing or another. Maybe today is the "good old days". Maybe I should leave yesterday alone and concentrate on today!