As an Ending
All good things come to an end, the saying goes. But the converse is equally true. All problems come to an end also. Many problems are, in fact, an ending in themselves. A problem can take us to that end of the road, and then we turn around and head another direction. But in the turning, the problem is no more.
Have a problem at work? Count on this: some day the circumstances that have given rise to the problem (people, economy, bad karma, boss, working conditions, etc.) will change, evaporate, or lead you to another work. The old problems will not persist unless you desire to remain forever in them.
Have a problem at home? Eventually, time and effort will bring change. Children grow up and move out; spouses learn to communicate differently; job changes and the next move bring an end to the old ways.
Have a problem you can't seem to lick? Keep praying for the wisdom and strength and time to see your way through it with effort and assistance. Even personal weaknesses and needs eventually evaporate in God's grace.
The end, as many say, is near. There's truth here, and not just eschatalogically. It's about change and embracing the new thing God is doing. With the end comes the beginning.
Begin! (Next up: 10 Bible stories you probably don't know & 10 Things we all learn in High School)
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