As a Change
The ancient Greeks believed that life was constant change, that nothing could stay the same, that life--like an ever-flowing river--would carry us forward into uncharted seas. How strange that we moderns live our lives with such an insatiable urge for stability, comfort, and similarity. It is as if we expect no changes and people are frequently thrown into fits when life is tossed out of balance by the unexpected and the new.
But a new year will bring change. In fact, there may even be changes we would welcome or would work for. There may be changes we have discussed. Changes that would make for a marked improvement over the old "us" or the old worlds we inhabit.
Some people may welcome the new year as a means to change some aspect of their behavior, to embrace the change of a fewer pounds, to work on their marriage, to be a better parent, to learn more, to complain less. Others will simply go about the business of the old, the trite, the tired . . . but will discover that change, in other forms (not usually anticipated), has thrown them for a loop.
Expect the coming year to be a year of change, for it most certainly will be. All things change, including the bad situations and the depressive state of affairs. All things change, including that slow step into the unemployment line and the meager pay.
And where change is slow in coming, we can count on life's inevitable flowing river to cut new banks and boundaries and offer us a tide that might transport us to another port of call. All we have to do is be willing to board the boat.
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