As Potential
Not all problems are real. Some are potential. Some could occur . . . if. In fact, we may sit on our hands, duck for cover, procrastinate or live in a rut because we don't want to create the potential for a problem.
But the fact is, any decision that is worth making could be fraught with problems. The alcoholic who makes a decision to go to AA is going to encounter more problems, initially. There will be confession, introspection, a courageous study of the self and amends to be made . . . and these hurt. These changes can cause rifts and upset the delicate balance of the alcoholic's home and work.
The same holds true for any. There are problems on the horizon any time we attempt to change an organization (business, church), or when we are honest about another person's performance (or our own), or when we make any decision that involves money. Potentially, someone could feel slighted or hurt. Priorities are re-established.
In spite of these potential problems . . . we must anticipate them nonetheless if we want to grow. Nothing worth having or doing is free of pain or discomfort. Anyone who sets out to run a mile, or lift a heavy weight is going to have to sweat, sacrifice and struggle against the goal. The gut will hurt, the limbs will ache, the lungs will scream for relief.
Forge ahead. Create a good problem for yourself. See your potential problem as a solution rather than a worry.
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