We Can Change
Change is inevitable, and it is in high school that we gain the first hints of this important lesson. A lowly freshman evolves from uncertainty and promise into a cocky and arrogant senior. Acne, which at one time or another plagues most teenagers, blossoms on faces but eventually dissipates in the young adulthood of the upperclass years. A student who struggles in the classroom can also bloom into a first rate student if the conditions are right.
Naturally, it is most difficult to change ourselves. We can change classes (and do), change schools, change friends, and even change directions . . . but changing ourselves is the most difficult and demanding work. High School is, perhaps, the last time in our lives when we make some of these personal changes without undergoing a brain hemorrhage.
We are still learning. Still changing. But we war against it.
The changes we truly desire are first waged in the battlefield of the mind. But change can come. Embrace those changes that can make your life better. Change those things that are destructive. It's what any high school student might do. And might even do without thinking.
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