The Best is Yet To Come
Some years ago I attended a high school graduation ceremony at which the principal made the outrageous statement, "Treasure your high school years . . . they are the best years of your life."
I gasped. What a crock. How could a principal, or any rational adult, make such a ridiculous claim or place so much weight upon the high school years? If high school teaches us anything it is this: the best years are yet to come! They are not behind us.
High school is merely a warm up to love, to family, to career, to travel, to parenthood, to service of humanity, to life! Anyone who claims that high school represents the best of life hasn't lived very deeply or doesn't have enough brain power to comprehend life's possibilities and potential.
No . . . the best is ahead, and high school teaches us this. In fact, most people can't wait to graduate from high school. The senior itch is a real thing, and most students are ready to fly the coop long before graduation. The best years are ahead, and most know it.
Naturally, this little lesson of high school is merely prelude to all of the better days of life, regardless of whether we are thirty, fifty, or seventy. There's plenty of living ahead . . . new experiences, joys, opportunities for service. Don't doubt it.
(See you Monday for Ten Ways to Look at a Piano)
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