Ahab and Naboth's Vineyard (1 Kings 21)
Here's an episode that has been craftily tucked into the long, flowing narrative of the Kings. Jealousy, coveting, theft, murder. Hollywood all the way. And yet . . . .
We find here also a story of our times, of haves and have-nots, of rich and poor, of powerful and powerless. The Vineyard represents anything that can be a life, anything that can be taken away in a moment.
One doesn't have to imagine such horrific details to conceive of homes being foreclosed, or jobs lost, or lives. We live is these days. In fact, it is the cheapness of human life today that astounds us, but also causes us to turn a blind eye. The cheapness is widespread. And all things can be taken away.
Ahab and Naboth is no ancient tale. Open the newspaper.
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